Monday, February 23, 2009

No Reservations - Disappearing Manhattan

I am so excited to check out this episode of No Reservations tonight. Since I am still a new New Yorker/Manhanttanite (I guess a year and half is still new right?) I can't wait to see which restaurants I must eat at before they "disappear".

Did anyone catch the episode from last week? Philippine cuisine looks interesting, but in a good way. I never really thought about how it was kind of left out of the whole "Asian food" scene...

Anyways, I would definitely suggest checking out the Disappearing Manhattan episode tonight at 10 EST on the Travel channel!

1 comment:

  1. I like this post! Its a reminder that I need to keep up with Anthony Bourdain. Then I kick myself because he did an episode on the Philippines?! Thats my place! My motherland. Hoping that when I check out his website I can see what he did over there. Message me if you have question about Filipino food in NYC-I have just the place!XO-Dell
