Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Beach Plum

Dear Foodies, you may have noticed I have been a traveling fool lately. This past weekend my travels took me to Portsmouth, New Hampshire. That's right New Hampshire. While I guess I have never given much thought to this New England state, I will say that I enjoyed my stay there more than I have a lot of places. The people, the homes, the beach, overall I don't know how anyone could not like this place. Despite the brisk weather (I mean it was October) people were still out walking and running along the beach, riding bikes, exercising more than most places I have seen. I am assuming this is to counteract the amount of lobster rolls that are consumed, which brings me to the subject of the this post: the Beach Plum's lobstah roll.

The Beach Plum is located along a winding stretch of Ocean Boulevard in North Hampton, New Hampshire just south of Portsmouth. Nestled between huge beach houses along the beach, this stand (specializing in ice cream) was still pretty packed with orders despite the 40 degree weather. I was with my new friend Rachel (who writes a fabulous interior design blog here) and we were hungry. Having wandered around aimlessly for three hours in search of bikes (long story, click on the here for the full story) we both decided it was lobster roll time!!

For those of you who may not know, a lobster roll is a New England treat comprised of lobster that dressed in mayo and served on a buttered hot dog bun. Some people may chose to add scallions, celery, tomato or lettuce. I would like to think of myself as a traditionalist when it comes to new food; I want it just as it was originally intended.

So we ordered our rolls and when they were ready for pick up I think I can honestly say that both of our mouths dropped open. There must have been at least 6 oz. of lobster on this sandwich. I mean, the thing was heavy to pick up! Served with chips and a pickle, we were racing home to try this treat.

Propped up at the dining table, we quickly opened our plastic boxes and dug in. While I am not a HUGE fan of lobster, I was very impressed with the tenderness of the lobster served here. The butter from the roll added a sweetness to the sandwich that was necessary in all bites. The mayo was just a side note and definitely did not overpower the lobster (something I have experienced in lobster rolls prior to this). Overall, this roll was one for my books.

The weekend in New Hampshire was great. The wedding we were attending was full of great people, many I like to think of as new friends. We all had such a good time there are talks about going back next year just for fun!

If you are ever in the NH area, the Beach Plum is a must stop. Very friendly staff, beautiful views and great food - doesn't get much better!

Beach Plum
17 Ocean Blvd.
North Hampton, NH 03862

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