Monday, March 1, 2010

200th Post

Well Foodies, I can't believe it but today is my 200th post. It's hard to believe that I started this blog in May 2008 as a way to chronicle my grazing through New York City and 199 posts later here we are... 

I am not the type of person that really sticks to things that I am ambivalent about so I am happy to say that if I get nothing else out of this experience at least I have found something that I am truly passionate about: food.

I know for some people food is the last thing on their mind and they simply eat to survive. Well friends, I am the exact opposite of that. I love food more than a lot of things. I love the idea of creating something that is good for the mind, body and soul. Nothing else can bring people together like a great meal. Some of the best times I have had in my life have been with good friends over dinner. 

So moving forward I promise to keep writing posts about my culinary adventures and new great finds from all over so long as you keep reading. Well, even if you don't I will likely keep writing as this blog serves as a great cookbook (just tonight I looked up one of my favorite recipes: white bean stew

In honor of the 200th post, I've created a slide show of my favorite pictures :)    


  1. Congats on the 200th post Renee!!! Love my frugal foodies!

  2. Haha THANK YOU! Hope you watched the highlight reel - should bring up some good memories!

  3. Congratulations on 200 posts!! I remember when Marcy threw out the idea that you start a blog one day at work and look how far it's come! Thank you for always providing the best food/restaurant recommendations :)
