Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Lotssssssss of Improvements

So today I spent a good part of the day updating the Frugal Foodies Facebook page and hopefully there will be a lot more to come. If you haven't become a fan I think you should...immediately. Like right now.
Frugal Foodies Facebook page
Also, I have created a twitter account and am somehow going to connect it to this blog so there will be a mix of RSS feed of post and my own special commentary. 

Frugal Foodies Twitter
In addition, you will note that there is now a POLL off to the left hand side, asking you to cast your vote as to who will be the next Top Chef. 

So here is what I need everyone to do: Join my facebook page, follow me on Twitter, and of course, take part in this very scientific and important poll. 


  1. Dear all knowing frugal foodie,

    I am taking a trip to New York for spring break and wondered if there were some must "eat" places I should go to? You have so many great places on your blog, but maybe you can help me narrow it down to one or two.

    Broke college spring breaker

  2. Yes Dearest Broke College SBer,

    I actually am going to compile a "Best Cheap Eats" in the city and introduce a new tool that saved my life.

    Yours Always,
    The Frugal Foodie
